Friday, July 2, 2010

From May 11th

5/11/10 - weight loss as of this morning is 10.8 pounds. woohoo! I can also now vouch for the efficacy of intermittent fasting - i skipped lunch yesterday by way of experiment and the loss yesterday was 1.2 pounds. Energy level over the weekend was out of the box. migraine yesterday, though - due either to a stressy family dinner or the micro-slice of chocolate-beet cake I ate (or both). I will note that when I woke up at 10:30 pm overnight and it was still there, I got up and took salmon oil, potassium, and magnesium, and it did disappear overnight eventually. don't know if any of those was the ultimate cure or not, but wanted to get it down. Read yesterday that added fat will help improve sleep restfulness (no, really), and tried it, sorta - pan-fried a chicken breast in butter (quite tasty even though the solids browned a good bit), and dished up a bag of purple bush beans with another chunk of butter on them. I didn't eat all of the butter. I think I felt more alert and rested this morning, but it's a bit hard to tell.

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