Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Some of the stiffness and soreness from Monday's workout has passed, but not quite all of it. Nevertheless, I slept pretty well last night - woke between midnight and 1 am and then at 5, both times just long enough to check the time and go back to sleep.  I can totally live with that. 

I barely made my goal on the FuelBand yesterday - but I did make it. I think that means that if I make it today, I've started a streak. This thing is effective in getting me to get up and move a lot more than I did before I got it, which seems like a good thing. If I could arrange for the movement to be something other than gerbil-like spins on the wheel, that would be a better thing.  It's a start, though.

153.8 this morning, water seems to be going away. Here's yesterday:
  • tea with cream
  • two handfuls of pecans
  • gyro taco salad with tzaziki guacamole - a recipe from Health-Bent. It was pretty good
  • 3-5 pieces of cheese, due to the salad not being nearly big enough
  • walnuts
  • 1 tsp honey
So a short list, but too nutty. After the weekend, I am cutting way back on nuts - or trying to. I think they (cashews, in particular) were at the root of my issues on Sunday.

Ketosis continues - the "Small" reading last night was starting to look "Moderate". Whether it will help me lose any weight or not, I cannot tell, but I know I feel better in this state. That said, I read some really interesting stuff on the "human microbiome" yesterday, on a blog called Mr. Heisenbug, which is all over the Resistant Starch and gut flora enhancement stuff. I don't know if I'll break the Whole30 to do it or not, but I'm thinking of starting to get some galactooligosaccharides (if that's spelled correctly, I'll be very surprised) in my diet, possibly through some full-fat greek yogurt with live cultures and honey - supposedly, the bacteria can ride the honey through the small intestine into the large, and help improve the population there. Also maybe starting a bit of potato starch supplementation, once I understand what that would look like. But maybe not until 1/30, when the Whole30 is done. We shall see. I want to do some more reading before I launch into the potato starch, anyway.

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