Monday, March 12, 2012


Ah, Daylight Saving Time.  I thought I had the going to sleep part nailed when I found myself asleep a couple of times during the news; of course, the reason I knew about it was that I woke up from the sleep.  "Sleep" overnight consisted primarily of dreams that I was awake, until 3-something a.m., when a weird noise woke me up.  Turns out we had never closed the dogs in their kennels, and they were wandering the house.  After that, I tossed and turned for 2 hours, then fell asleep enough for the alarm to wake me up; after that, I slept another half-hour until the actual "get up, already!" time arrived.  Bleahh.  At least a week's worth of ugh until I get acclimated again.  And of course, we'll be in Phoenix this weekend, where people are sane, and they don't do the clock shifts, so I may undo all the good done this week.

I got out and got fresh air yesterday, in spades - as I did Saturday as well.  Gardening on the latter, a long walk with a friend on the former.  I have officially started the garden - with mesclun mix seeds.  There was more to the work than that, of course - had to clean out the beds and spread a layer of cow manure first.

I think I ate pretty well all weekend - although on Saturday, I found myself noshing on nuts and chocolate against my better judgement, and we had a dessert that included stuff from a box (by accident, sort of).  But I stayed in some level of ketosis throughout the weekend, so I guess I did okay on that front.

However, I have lost basically no weight.  I was at 147.9 this morning, which is where I was Saturday morning (yesterday, I was back up at 148.1 again).  Quite annoying.

And, now for the food log:
  • western omelet (Denny's)
  • bacon
  • tea with cream
  • salad with blue cheese dressing
  • chile (no beans, but I'm not sure there wasn't flour in it)
  • iced tea
  • cheese
  • pot roast
  • salad with blue cheese dressing
  • strawberry filled with Jello no-bake cheesecake filling (leftover from Saturday)
  • chocolate coconut almond bark (Primal Blueprint Quick and Easy recipe, made with 85% cacao chocolate)
That was it.  Now, admittedly, I am pushing into ketosis more for the mental energy associated with it than for the weight loss benefits, but I'd like to see a bit of weight loss, nonetheless.  And maybe I have - after all, I am down 2 pounds for last week.  Which puts me exactly at the weight I was a week ago last Friday, which was up a bunch from two weeks ago.  Hormones, I'm nearly certain - or the dragged-out aftermath of mild food poisoning.  So maybe I should be grateful that I'm able to keep it basically under control.  I just wish there were five fewer pounds of "it".

I bought and downloaded Fred Hahn's Slow Burn vook yesterday - a vook is an e-book with videos, apparently.  Haven't watched the videos yet, but I've read the descriptions, and when he says "slow", he apparently means it.  Doing pushups to a count of 7 seconds down, 7 seconds up, per rep?  That hurts just thinking about it - but I bet it works.  I will be giving his workout a try over the next few days - need to contrive some ankle weights first.

Finally, I would just like to state for the record that my new Vibram Jayas are more comfortable than bedroom slippers.  I've worn them to the gym for 1-mile walks on the track (primary function - get the blood moving), and now on a trail walk that lasted about an hour, and they just disappear - I simply don't feel them on my feet.  Love them!

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