Wednesday, October 15, 2014


We managed a walk last night - to and from dinner. It was nice, but it's starting to get cold out; I suspect our gym days are approaching pretty fast. Turns out it is 1-1/4 mile from home to the nearest walkable restaurant, so we got in 2-1/2 miles last night. Not bad.

Eating - well, could have been lower carb, I guess, but on the real food index, I did pretty well. Here's the list:
  • tea with cream
  • the usual supplements
  • scrambled eggs
  • 2 strips of bacon
  • an apple
  • 2 pieces of string cheese
  • about 1/8 pound of roast beef
  • 2 almond-flour chocolate chip cookies
  • a 1/2 pound burger with cheddar cheese
  • sweet potato fries
  • 3 more chocolate chip cookies
151.6 this morning. I'm not sure if I'm happy about the slower increase this week (usually, I'm bouncing all over the place), or if it indicates "real" weight gain.

I'm happy to say that my urge to eat wheat-flour-and-crisco-and-sugar cookies has diminished, thanks, I'm sure, to the "paleo treats". I've noticed a big uptick in "paleo" versions of dessert lately; seems like folks need to step back and remember what the whole paleo approach to food is about again - and it's not about mirroring the tofurkey on the dessert side of the meal. Maybe it seems a bit odd to say that when I'm working my way through a batch of cookies, but in my defense, I do try to avoid doing this as much as I can.

Sleep was less than wonderful - not awful, but the dogs woke us up in the middle somewhere, and it took a while to get back to sleep. I did dream, again, toward 4:30 or 5:00 am, and then woke up. It seems not to have been very restful; I'm draggy this morning and moody. Still trying to work out ways to cope with the stress and looming approach of the black dog (SAD, anyone? At least, I'm guessing it's that.), the latter of which is starting to make it hard for me to even fathom doing anything constructive right now. Probably not a good time to be increasing carb consumption.

Hoping for another walk tonight, and we have a marinating flank steak and probably spaghetti squash with browned butter and "mizithra" cheese for dinner. And a good thing, too, because I am starving - we didn't eat to make it easier not to feed the dogs (one of them has a procedure involving anesthesia this morning).

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