Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2nd - Stall, stall, stall....

My scale hates me.

Never mind that it's a good thing that I gained no weight while on business - and it is.  Never mind that I did briefly see a lower number yesterday morning.  If I get on that demented piece of electronics one more day and have it flash (sneeringly) 162.2 at me, I will scream!

It was 161.8 yesterday and while it was settling on that, I even saw it flash a number that started out 15, so hope is not dead.  And I did eat chinese for dinner - meat and veg and hot-and-sour soup only - which had a bad effect the last time I did it.  And I'm still swollen up from muscle strain a bit (the massage yesterday helped a lot, but not as much as I'd hoped), and it's that time of the month. 

So, back to the daily routine.  We will get there eventually, just not as quickly as I would prefer.  And I'm not at all sure where "there" will end up being.

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