Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I slept last night - until 4:20 am.  And then put something soothing on my iPod and slept until 5:30.  So I'm a happier camper today.  Still tired - I have amassed a sleep debt over the past couple of months that is going to take some work to repay - but starting to feel like I have a shot at repayment.

150.2 this morning.  Could have - probably should have - been worse.  Here's yesterday:
  • tea with cream
  • the limited usual supplements
  • scrambled eggs
  • bacon
  • cheese (brought some to work)
  • M&Ms (yesterday was so sucky, I needed chocolate.  Lent has now resumed)
  • pizza top (and one small bite of crust, to see if it tasted as good as it looked - and it didn't, really)
  • salad with blue cheese dressing
  • a bag of Lays
  • more cheese
See what I mean?  That was a major carb-bender for me, really.  I don't think I'll be repeating it today, but I might have lunch of some sort.

I was so down yesterday that I gave brief consideration to abandoning a Primal/Paleo way of eating.  Brief.  And then I reminded myself that most of my aches and pains are gone and that I haven't been sick at all in nearly 3 years, and that, when I'm not battling menopausal insomnia, my energy levels and mood are much better than they used to be, and got over it.  Pizza crust is not worth trading all of that for.

I had my final session of Rolfing last night.  I didn't measure before - or take any pictures, which I regret - but if I had to guess, I'm 2-3 inches taller than I was when we started.  And overall, my body seems to be working better than it did - it's not fighting me when I want to move in a way I haven't done in a while.  My shoulder is still a little stiff, and I'm guessing that I probably have some inflamed tendons there - or damage that isn't just muscle/fascia issues.  What I think the Rolfing has done so far is set things up so that the remaining nastiness can heal properly.

My homework going forward is to sit on my sit-bones (note that I'm not, currently), and hold myself as if I have marionette strings coming from both my sternum and the top of my head (and keep the sternum one from hitting me in the face).  Which immediately shows me how non-ergonomic my current desk is - it's too low, and I can't get my monitors to the right height for me.  So I may have to do some jury-rigging to get improvements there.

It's supposed to get into the 60s today, and I'm thinking we should walk the dogs after dinner.  I think it's dried up enough - or will have.

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