Thursday, May 3, 2012


More sleep last night, but I had to have WWII news on from the time I crashed until I woke up.  If that's what it takes, bombs away... I don't recall waking with a hot flash at all; maybe once being a bit cold.  I do hope that's a sign of things to come.  Still having a couple a day, but they seem very much less obtrusive.

Ate three meals yesterday, including a raft of skinny french fries at Steak-n-Shake at lunch.  I shouldn't have had all of them (and their nasty canola oil or whatever it was), but they tasted really good.  So no surprise that the scale told me either 148.0 or 148.2 this morning.  I still consider that consistent - it is only 1/5 of a pound variance, not 4 or 5 pounds like the other one periodically surprised us with.

Here's the scoop:
  • scrambled eggs
  • bacon
  • tea with cream
  • the usual supplements, plus cucurmin
  • double cheese steakburger, no bun (pretty good, not great)
  • all those fries, with ketchup
  • iced tea
  • almond-flour chocolate chip cookie
  • hot and sour soup
  • 4 sticks of teriyaki beef
  • hot tea
  • a few pieces of bark
And that was it.  I notice that, as summer moves in, my urge to snack (or maybe, my opportunity) is declining.  After dinner (at a Chinese place, if that wasn't obvious), Elizabeth and I went shopping, then came home and it was nearly bedtime.

Dinner tonight out at a little place opened in a former auto shop - one of those where you can watch them cook.  Great food, the three times we've been there so far, and priced as if.  We have a gift card that we need to use.

I need to come up with a meal plan for next week, maybe just a list of meat to base dinners on, with variations we could add based on taste at the time.  If I can do that, I think we avoid restaurants a bit more - good for all of us.

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