Wednesday, March 25, 2015


First, here's yesterday:
  • tea with cream
  • the usual supplements
  • scrambled eggs
  • bacon
  • 3 string cheeses
  • a bunch of grapes
  • macadamia nuts
  • salad with feta, salami, olives, greek vinaigrette
  • dark chocolate Ritter with hazelnuts - 4 "pips" (that's what Hershey's calls them) - maybe 2 oz
  • 1 piece of aged gouda
That was it. I also went for a 2-mile walk yesterday and got in over 5,000 steps for the day (I do NOT know how anyone gets in 10,000 - or maybe my FuelBand is actually way inaccurate?). So, of course, logically, I should be in some ketosis by day's end, and should have lost weight.

Nope. Between Negative and Trace last night. 159.2 this morning. Too much salt in the salad? Exercise inflammation? Damned if I know.

Sleep started out well, but I woke up, too hot, at 10:56 pm. And was still awake at 1. I resorted to reading, since I was alone, and that did get me un-riled up enough to go back to sleep.  I think I know why I was too hot, though. Lee had decided to turn the heater "off" over the weekend, by setting the thermostat to a low temp and hitting "hold". The low temp was 63. Normally, our nights are set to 55, I believe. Anyway, I took it off hold; maybe that will help tonight. Although, I'm thinking seriously about a Benadryl - it's been quite a while since I've needed one, which is a very good thing. 

Plan for today? I had a slice of roast beef and tea for breakfast, not wanting to get out of bed into what was then a cold 63-degree room. I have cheese and macadamias here to deal with any mid-day hunger. And it's gray and raining (snowing a bit, too), so I don't know what the prospect for a walk tonight will be - but if it's even a little bit feasible, I'm going. I have to. I don't know what else I can do.

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