Thursday, March 31, 2011


Now that Lee's back, we had a more traditional dinner of meat (whole roast chicken from the grocery store) and leaves (salad).  I followed that up with some chocolate almonds - we found a new variety at Trader Joe's the last time we were there - Belgian dark (73%) chocolate - and they're quite tasty (no difference in carb levels, though).  Also some walnuts and a square of 85% Lindt chocolate.

I wish I could say that I slept like a rock, but the sleep aspect of a Paleo life is eluding me at present.  I know I listened to 2 different hours of old WWII news broadcasts at different times to get back to sleep, and it worked once and didn't work at all once.  So I'm dragging a bit this morning.  Heavy cream helps - a lot, most days.  And we had eggs and turkey bacon and pork sausage for breakfast this morning, so I'm as fueled up as I can be.

141.8 this morning.  I think I haven't seen the magical 141.4 (the full 50 pound loss from when I started eating this way a year ago) since the day I left for New Orleans.  I don't mind, really.  This is a good place to be.

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