Monday, January 3, 2011

Post-holiday wrap-up (aka Monday)

10 days away from home, mostly in Arizona.  We cooked a lot, but we ate some cheat foods during the week - it was, after all, a holiday.  How did it go?
  • I gained about 4 pounds - 150.4 this morning.  I'm sure some of it is water, but not all of it
  • I had 2 migraines
  • My stomach was a bit churny throughout the week
So, would I do the cheat foods again?  Possibly not.  We ate gluten-free sausage balls (sausage, GF Bisquick, and cheese), twice-baked potatoes, Christmas cookies, panko breadcrumbs (on warm goat cheese), breadsticks, beets (I'm assuming those are pretty carb-laden), pear tart, ice cream, caramel sauce, rather a lot of chocolate, and probably other things that I can't recall.  I can live with temporary weight-gain, because I know how to make it stop and reverse.  I cannot live with the migraines, so if something I ate influenced them, I will find that thing and eliminate it, permanently.

While we were gone, Gary Taubes new book came out - I bought two copies: one for Lee and me, one for Elizabeth - and devoured ours.  What he's done with this one is to distill the key dietary bits out of Good Calories, Bad Calories, eliminating a lot of the history-of-nutrition-science stuff (I loved it, but it would distract from the message in this case), and a lot of the information about other Diseases of Civilization, although he hints at some of that in one of the last chapters.  Anyway, it's clear, concise, and straightforward, and presented with plenty of evidence for the case he's making, and my fingers are crossed that it really takes off.  In an appendix, he presents a weight loss "diet" from Duke University that aligns with the evidence as he's seen it; I mean to copy that out and post it prominently on our fridge, for Lee.  I think a lot of the "don't"s in there will be eye-opening for him.

Anyway, all things considered, a very good Seasons Eatings (spanning clear back to Thanksgiving) - far better than previous years.

Oh - and the size 8 skirt looked fabulous on Friday!

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