Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 9th

This morning, I was convinced that the scale had broken.  I should have gained a bit from the carbs in dinner last night.  For that matter, the carbs in dinner last night should have ensured a leg-free sleep.  They didn't; I was out of bed 3 or 4 times to sort out the position of my left foot (hmm, maybe I could make a movie about it....).  So I'm tired this morning and get on the scale and watch the numbers go up - to 153.2.  I lost another bloody pound yesterday.  After noshing on McDonalds.  No supersizing here, I guess.

As for the scale, Lee said it showed him up a pound, so it's not suddenly come down with some sort of under-reporting issue.  Man, that was weird, though.  Totally unexpected.

FWIW, I think last night established conclusively that salt is our culprit, though.  2 nights ago, no leg issues, lost a pound.  Last night, ate a small order of fries with liberal salt and a quarter pounder, probably also with liberal salt, St Vitus Dance all night,... and lost a pound.  And I know I was properly hydrated yesterday, if that matters.  So tonight, easy on the salt (although I had IHOP for breakfast, which may have queered it for the day already), and we'll see how things go. 

Hey, cool!  I didn't lie when I used salt-means-cramps as my excuse not to add bottled saline solution to my diet a couple of weeks ago!

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