Friday, May 20, 2011


I had fries at lunch yesterday.  Hell, I had lunch at all, yesterday.  Still, only a gain of 0.2 pounds from my indulgence - 144.0 this morning.  They tasted amazing.  They would be wholly defensible if only I could find a restaurant with a firm belief in beef tallow for deep frying purposes, right?  Not sure one exists anymore, at least around here.

Red Robin has a salad that was - apart from the almost-certain presence of seed oils - pretty darn lacto-Paleo - the Chicken Caprese salad.  Romaine, a Caesar-like dressing, a chicken breast and some slices of fresh mozzarella, garnished with tomatoes and basil, a balsamic vinegar-based sauce of some sort, and, best of all, crunchy pepperoni strips.  I like me some crunchy pepperoni strips - they were fabulous.  Oh, and black olives in there somewhere.  That's what I had for dinner, and it wasn't bad.  And on top of a couple of pieces of cheese and some walnuts eaten before dinner, quite sufficiently filling.

Strawberries and heavy cream for breakfast.  And bacon.  On a logistical note, it's probably not the best idea on earth to buy really heavy cream (40% fat, per the label) in half-gallon lots for two people.  We've barely made a dent, not for want of trying.  UHT will save us; the stuff will probably last indefinitely.  And it's very tasty stuff, so I don't mind having it forever.  But when it's gone, we're going back to the pint-sized cartons of Organic Valley - maybe two of them at a time.

We'll be fasting dinner tonight, I believe, due to scheduling issues.  Nephew's high school graduation, at 6:30, about an hour's drive from here, meaning we leave from work and pray that rush hour isn't too nasty.  No worries.  I know, based on my calves the other night (none last night!), that I'm still keto-adapted, and a wee fast won't bother me at all.

I'm wearing a new dress for the occasion (weird to be wearing a dress at all, since it's "Jeans Friday"); size 10, bought quickly last night, and almost big for me.  It actually fits fine - the 8 would have been too small.  A 9 (assuming such a bona-fide size existed, and, no, the Junior 9 is really a 10) probably would have been perfect.  So nice to be throwing these numbers around when talking about my clothes!

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