Wednesday, August 12, 2015


159.0 this morning. Bother. Because it's not likely water at this point. Restaurants, more likely; we've been eating out a lot. Here's yesterday:

- tea with cream
- the usual supplements
- scrambled eggs with ham and cheese
- a pork sausage patty
- trail mix (cashews, almonds, peanuts, M&Ms)
- cheese
- chicken with cream sauce including ham, tomatoes, and mushrooms
- fried potatoes (not many)
- black-eyed peas with sausage and peppers (not many)

I think that was it. The trail mix is done, now. I think I need to get back into avoiding lunch, or just having something small and low-carb. And dining at home, on cleaner food.

And getting some walking in. We haven't quite managed that yet. But soon.

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