Thursday, July 12, 2012


This doesn't seem to be working.  First, here's my eating for yesterday:
  • tea with cream
  • bacon (2 pieces)
  • the usual supplements
  • one piece of cheese
  • one square of Lindt
  • big-ass salad with ham, cheddar/swiss, and blue cheese dressing
  • a cup of Haagen-Dasz (their snack-sized one)
  • a few walnut pieces
  • one potato chip
Really, not too bad, to look at.  But here's the breakdown:
  • Fat: 127.5g (71%)
  • Carbs: 38g (9%) with 22.1g sugars
  • Protein: 81.9g (20%)
And, this morning, damned if I'm not up some more - 151.2.  It feels like water - it has to be water, doesn't it?  I mean, even in old-school terms, I only ate 1602 calories.  Driving me absolutely nutsoid.  I can't not eat - and besides, at the rate things are going, not eating would only gain the weight faster.

I'm quite achy and swollen this morning, for what that's worth - my feet are too big for my shoes, and my fingers are swollen enough that my ring feels tight.  And I hurt all over.  I took extra fish oil and turmeric this morning in hopes of calming down whatever inflammatory stuff is occurring.

I took the elevator this morning.  In addition to everything else, I had crap sleep last night, due to the dog needing to visit the yard twice, and the aches and pains keeping me awake after the second outing.  And while I did lower-ab crunches/hip lifts (whatever those things are) last night, tonight, I'm doing nothing but recovery.  Quite apart from everything else, I have evening work tonight, anyway, so time will not be available.

This week has not played out at all as planned, I must say.  Major bummer.

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