Thursday, January 10, 2013

What is it - Thursday?

I flew out Sunday for a 3-day vendor conference in California.  Went to Disneyland that afternoon, including walking to and from (3 miles right there, plus whatever roaming I did in about 4 hours in the park).  I ate pretty well - and had only some almonds for a snack; they didn't offer crap in the afternoons.  Anyway, this morning, despite swollen feet (like in, my shoes don't fit so great), I'm at 151.0.  

Some observations:
  • I struggled with the not-snacking thing.  It was hard.  I'm a boredom eater, and I was kind of bored.
  • Rolfing allowed me to sleep 3 nights in a hotel bed with a pillow that was so flat as to be non-existent, and feel reasonable today.  My right shoulder, in particular, is feeling pretty good - unlike after 3 nights in the hotel bed with bad pillows back in September.  Huge mobility improvements overall, and substantial pain reduction.  Not 100%, mind you, but adequate.
  • While I stayed pretty darn low-carb, I only had leg cramps one night - and it wasn't after the walking.
  • I was able to eat low-carb off their dining options - cheese and fruit at breakfast (2 apples and a banana), salad and meat at lunch (one day was pot roast and mac-and-cheese - bizarre combo), and something light in the evening - a Chicken Caesar one night, nothing the following two, actually.  So that went pretty well.
  • My stomach rebelled big-time yesterday, and is still unhappy.  I'm not sure what the cause was.
  • I did take Melatonin each night, but/and slept like a rock until 3 am local time.  Not sure what goes on at 3 am there.  I was able to get back to sleep fairly easily after.
Anyway, back to the routine.  Meat and salad for dinner tonight, sounds like.  I had a fat-bomb smoothie for breakfast this morning, to get the MCTs going - got in after midnight last night, so am functioning on not a lot of sleep.  Better tomorrow, I desperately hope.

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