Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I got some of the foot-swelling to go away, but not all of it, by any means.  I wish I knew exactly what I did to trigger it, but I think perhaps the best bet would be to avoid chips and salsa just before flying, from now on.  Anyway, down to 149.6 again this morning, so my feet weigh a pound less than they did yesterday. 

I'm fasting this morning, just to get my system to clear up a bit.  I see a term on the various Paleo/Low-Carb websites occasionally: eating "clean", meaning good meat and vegetables and no refined carbs.  I did not do that this weekend, and I think I'm paying the price now, so a quick fast will do a reset and let me start fresh.

A plug for heavy cream, though: I was out late last night, and got maybe 6 hours of sleep.  Had cream in 2 cups of tea this morning, and feel far less dessicated than I usually do after a late night.  And it tastes so amazingly good!

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