163.6 this morning. That's 3 pounds in 2 days, albeit 2 of those pounds were probably water from the weekend sugar "binge" (funny to call a "binge" such a small actual intake - but the aftereffects were as-if).
Not that I'm complaining or anything. Hardly. It's quite fun to stand on the scale and see new numbers. And these are pretty new, at least in a very long time. I know that I weighed 160 after Biz was born (so that's 20 years ago) and 150ish going in to being pregnant (Twix Bars and fries with ketchup; that's all I want to say on that subject). I know I hit the mid 160s when training for the Peachtree, which had to be the summer of '98 (that phrase whitens my hair so fast it isn't even funny). And I have a faint memory of the scale reading 158 on one day after I came back to work here, and based on the context, that had to be the spring of 2000. And I could be wrong about the reading, too - I know that it dropped rather a lot and startled me, and was oh-so-transient, but not a whole lot more.
Tried the sizzling entrees at Applebee's last night - not too bad, but you have to tell them "no potatoes" and that confused our waitress so much that she actually brought me fajitas at first. I was hungry for dinner, unlike the day before, but once I finished it, I didn't want anything else. Granted, we were kinda busy packing for a weekend away, so there wasn't time to sit and contemplate my appetite or lack thereof.
Based on my bodyfat measurement and weight of yesterday, my weight at 20% fat would be 142. That's up 4 pounds from when I did it a while back, and I'm cool with that. Once my body starts telling me it's at the weight it should be at - and I think it will tell me - I'll see where we've landed and make some seasonally-based adjustments to how I eat. A bit more fruit in season. An occasional potato. Things like that. I'm contemplating offering cheese and fruit for the "dessert" course at any future meals I may host - get some good stuff from Whole foods and maybe offer the good seriously-dark chocolate as well. Don't know if it will go over well or not, but I don't think that will stop me.
Onward and up - well, no, not up - downward.
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