Monday, July 12, 2010

No knee pain

One of my knees used to be a real problem for me.  Not surgery-worthy, but every so often it would just pop when I moved in a way it didn't like, and nearly knock me to the ground with a nasty stabbing pain.  It was bad enough that when I was going for MAT therapy, fixing that issue was one of the key things we were working on - and led to a whole lot of work on where my feet were aiming when I stood or walked.

All well and good - until just now, I was reading something that just happened to mention the ACL, and I realized that it's been a really long time since that knee has acted up.  So long, actually, that I am not entirely sure which knee it was.

Nutrition related?  Who knows?  I'll take the improvement, no matter what the reason (and maybe the next time I walk somewhere, I'll look to see which way my feet are pointing).

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