Over the past few weeks, I've begun having a recurring backache when I get up in the morning. Some mornings, anyway, not all. And, interestingly enough, doubling or tripling up my fish oil seems to keep it at bay. But I was kind of wondering what on earth was causing it, because it's not something I've had going on for long periods in the past, and while I may be doing more physical activity, especially in the evenings, nothing substantial has changed in my environment that coincides with the backaches.
So, it sort of occurs to me that it might be my weight change. My center of gravity has definitely moved, with the reduction in visceral fat (even though that was in the early weeks of my overall weightloss). Maybe with a few other things. Certainly, when I sleep, my hips aren't displacing my spine as much as they used to, and I fit differently in various chairs - that's something I'm starting to notice, because I'm getting uncomfortable in positions that did not formerly bug me.
Makes some sense, anyway. For now.
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