Two bits of information this morning: first, my weight is now down to 165.0. Damn! It just feels good. I was sitting at lunch yesterday and realized that my skirt had spun itself sideways while I'd been walking (it also bags in the back based on views in the restroom mirror). My jeans this morning are extremely loose on my thighs; and they used not to fit at all. So that's all good. Except (sort of) for the need to buy yet another round of clothing. I'm holding off for a while longer (bought some shirts over the weekend, but not skirts/pants), to see where things settle - or until I start looking like a kid playing dress-up in Mom's stuff.
The other information: I got my lipid numbers back from the physical, and they are pretty respectable.
- Total Cholesterol: 176 (I think last year it was just over 200)
- HDL: 44
- LDL: 120
- Triglycerides: 61
I would like the Total:HDL ratio to be better - it's 4:1 and I'd prefer 3.5:1 or lower, but really, not bad. Triglycerides:HDL is supposed to be less than 5:1; think I have that one pretty well covered. And with Triglycerides at 61, sure as shootin' the LDL are large and fluffy, not small and dense. So I don't think I'm likely to keel over from heart disease within the next week or so.
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