Monday, August 6, 2012


I'm still fighting carb cravings, suffice it to say.  152.8 this morning.  Stuff still fits, so I'm going to go on eating as right as I can and not get too sweaty over the numbers.
The weekend involved a movie (the new Batman - amazingly good), most dinners out, and a lot of puttering.  Some heavy lifting.  I'm still suffering with overall body-aches, which I'd prefer not to be, but I'm assuming it's somehow related to the hormonal swings.  I took melatonin last night and got a really good night's sleep, and am feeling a bit better as a result.
Here's yesterday's eating:
  • tea with cream
  • two slices of almond bread (recipe from Paleo Comfort Food) with butter
  • a naked burger with cheese, catsup, mustard, pickle
  • salad with blue cheese
  • a handful of chocolate blueberries at some point during the day
  • mushu chicken without the pancakes
  • a fortune cookie
  • ice cream with berries in from Cold Stone (I asked for a small, but got what amounted to a medium.  and ate it.)
We also spent quality time changing out the mailbox last night - a job involving grinding wheels, sledgehammers, and the two of us twisting a pole into the ground on an auger tip.  Lee did most of the heavy lifting; I was there to prevent him injuring himself, mostly - which I did.  I also found the lock bolt thingie for his circular saw when it vanished.
And on Saturday, I did some weeding.  Not much, though.  Oh, and Elizabeth and I both decided that we weren't all that into the 5K, so we blew it off.
Meatza for dinner tonight - taco-flavored if I can figure out an approach.  And we fasted breakfast for convenience, which may be a 20+ hour fast for me, since I didn't bring cheese or salami to work today.

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