Monday, April 1, 2013


I did not achieve my goal for the weekend.  And I'm not entirely sure why.  I ate pretty clean on Saturday; bacon, cheese and nuts, a naked burger for dinner without carbs.  Sunday morning, I was up half a pound.  And Sunday was a garbage eating day, including candy and potato chips and dessert and potato salad and a sweet fruit salad.  No change in weight from yesterday to today.  151.2.

I cannot list yesterday; I lost track.  Suffice it to say it pushed me well out of the ketosis I'd achieved.  So we are starting all over today.  No breakfast, I have some fat fast broccoli soup with me to eat if and when I get hungry today, and burgers-and-salad for dinner.  We need to buy some steaks for dinners, I think, and we will be eating a meat-and-leaves pattern for the foreseeable future.  Sheesh.

On the other hand, after rather crap sleep nights Friday and Saturday, I slept like the proverbial rock last night.  I would like more of that - and I felt energized when I woke up, not sluggish.  A very nice change from the past few weeks, I must say.  Drove to work without sunglasses, too, in hopes of getting more tonight.

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