Wretched eating day - wanted chocolate mid-day but convinced myself that potato chips were less evil than M&Ms. Are they? I don't rightly know. I was quite hungry by the time I got home, and had been trying to figure out how to get a flank steak marinated in a half-hour; ultimately, we decided that it wouldn't be possible, and opted to go out. For Mexican. 3-stack flat cheese enchilada, chips, salsa, and guac. Tasted wonderful, but so not good for me. Lee had some tacos, and mostly didn't eat the shells, although he had chips and salsa and guac. I won't list the day's eating, since I've just covered most of it - for breakfast we had the fat bomb smoothies and bacon again, and our handful-o-supplements, and my usual tea-with-cream, and I believe we had chocolate almonds.
After dinner, we went for a walk outside in the neighborhood - not sure how far, but at a decent pace. It felt really good, just being outdoors, moving, using muscles. Muscles that, as of this morning, I am aware had been a bit under-utilized. The arches of my feet. Ankle muscles. Calf-stabilization stuff. All very good, I do believe. I'm really liking the shoes.
144.2 this morning; Lee said he lost 3 pounds overnight. He was feeling skeptical of the smoothies yesterday morning because he'd put a goodish bit on since the weekend, but most of it is now gone. I bought and printed out the Whole30 success guide last night, and got him started reading it. We'll only do it if he really wants to, because I'm in good shape these days - don't need to lean out and feeling crazy-young, physically - so it would be for him alone, and I see no point in dragging him through it. I read a good bit while it was printing, and it looks fairly doable - the guidelines are a little different from other paleo programs and feel much more like a structured "diet", which maybe makes sense, given that it's meant to be sort of a whole-body cleanse, I guess. We shall see. Can't start until 9/12/11, but if he's a "go", we can start the planning part now.
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