Friday, August 5, 2011


Yesterday was one of those long workdays that you truly believe are never going to end.  They tend to make me eat things I shouldn't, and yesterday was typical.  I demolished an old, very stale, tin of what I think are breath-mints.  The mint flavor was somewhat blunted by age, so they actually tasted fairly nasty, but I ate them anyway, out of boredom.  Them and a package of teriyaki turkey jerky. 

The day eventually drew to an end and we went out for steak, which was an improvement.  Here's the day's eating:
  • turkey sausage (out of eggs, so we just had that - 3 pieces)
  • tea with cream
  • the usual supplements (doubling up on fish-oil to help my shoulder calm down)
  • breath mints
  • turkey jerky
  • ribeye steak
  • southern-style green beans
  • baked sweet potato with butter and sour cream
  • chocolate cherries
  • a handful of cashews
142.6 this morning, I think it said.  Sleep last night was better for me than the night before, but still not good - sick dog interrupted it once (and should have interrupted it a second time, but Lee handled that one and I never woke up).  Lots of vivid dreaming, as well, and I woke up at 4:45 for a bit, but was asleep when the alarm went off 45 minutes later.

Got the weekend coming up - nothing big planned, not even a movie, I think.  We should be able to eat pretty well.  I think Lee said that he was back under 200 either yesterday or this morning, so that's also good.

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