Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 2nd

Really hideously bad night last night - both legs took turns cramping up - not on the calf muscle, but on the muscles running up from the outer anklebone and possibly also the shin, so there was no position available for stretching; all I could do was lay very still with the cramping muscle against the heated mattress pad.  Consequently very tired this morning.  Also very skinny - 150.2 pounds.  That's a number I'm having an awful time getting my head around.  Did my measurements this morning for body fat - 25.5%.

I did fast yesterday, sort of - had a bag of peanuts midday because I was bored - but it wasn't dietary, just because I couldn't be bothered to fix breakfast.  Probably not a good mindset.  With Lee heading out of town in November, I think I need to do some planning, so I have convenience foods available.

I have a lot of things I want to get done today, so I think I'd better go get some more calories to burn.  Time for the heavy cream...

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