I hope I got yesterday's date right; it seems like I've typed "20th" before, and recently. Whatever.
Down a pound this morning - son-of-onslaught-of-tea apparently worked some, as did getting back to proper low-carb eating. Now that I don't have water weight pain (and I did), I tend to think that the 3.2 pounds I'm up (at 153.4) from my previous low might actually be fat. After all, the meatballs on Saturday night probably had breadcrumbs in them and the sauce was chili sauce an grape jelly. I sense some insulin at work there, even though I also ate cheese and salami. And wine, which was also sweet. Okay. Lesson learned. Don't do that anymore.
So yesterday was turkey-bacon-and-eggs (ham, cheese, tomato omelet, actually) for breakfast, no lunch, and a weird miscellany from Country Buffet for dinner - a salad with lettuce, tomatoes, bacon, and blue cheese dressing and a pile of taco meat with salsa, sour cream, and chili con queso on top. I may have also had some chunks of swiss cheese over the course of the evening; I was working with it.
Made something new for breakfast this morning, mostly as an experiment for when I'm on my own for 3 weeks next month: crustless mini quiche lorraines, made in a muffin tin. They were pretty darn tasty, even having been made last night and reheated in the microwave. Easy to make, quite edible, and I think I can do variations like cheddar/broccoli or even spinach. So that's taken care of - I won't be doing a 3-week long series of 20-hour fasts, day after day. Also had some commercial pre-cooked bacon (from Costco - and nasty at $14/pound), which was okay - nothing to write home about. I like my bacon crispy, and this didn't quite reach that point via nuking this morning - maybe we need a longer nuke, or maybe an alternate method of prep.
The pastured meat arrives tonight via FedEx; I do hope we like the taste, because it would provide so much in the way of nutrition (and has to be nicer for the cows, I think).
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