Ugly night - out of bed with cramps at least 3 times, I think, and with winter coming on, the thrashing needed to get my feet on the ground is not minimal. Lee had them too - we've both been trying to behave better after a rather bad weekend, and it seems, chez nous, that ketosis=leg cramps and always will.
For what it's worth, I was at 151.6 today - I think that's just under 2 pounds down from yesterday - and the water is pretty much gone. Nice to see that even at what should be a "plateau", I can go all religious for a few days and undo a previous day's stupidity.
Trying again to get Biz to give up bread. She was in for a follow-up after her vertigo from an ear-infection, and the doctor, for some reason, mentioned MS as one of the possible causes for her episodes of vertigo (FWIW, I'm skeptical, because that's pretty much the only thing on the giant list-o-symptoms that she has, and she's had vertigo since she was about 2, that I recall). Since it's an auto-immune disease, and one of the hot treatments for that is low-carb - and since wheat is a prime cause of leaky-gut, which is thought to be the cause of auto-immune diseases, ... well, you get the picture. Anyway, since she's also had some symptoms, starting in high school, that are very close to some of the more socially obnoxious symptoms of celiac, as well as migraines, and because she has the Chickasaw heritage from Lee's side of the family that may also contribute to gluten insensitivity, she just really needs to stop eating wheat. I tried to explain that to her in an e-mail, adding that I can even tell now after having some wheat that I should not be eating it (in other words, she gets it from both sides of the family), and hope I made the point strong enough. It can only be a good thing for her, if she can pull it off. And that's the key - not having bread makes eating in this century rather inconvenient, and we've pushed eating off in a corner where its only value is convenient calorie intake.
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