At one point yesterday, I thought I'd fast from breakfast to breakfast today. However, in late afternoon, my stomach decided for me that I wouldn't, after all. Nonetheless, after the standard turkey-bacon-and-eggs breakfast, I had a combination of peanuts, mixed cheese, and a square of chocolate, and nothing else - and was fine with that. Overnight was nasty - I had a hard time sleeping comfortably, mostly, I think, because it's not quite cold enough outside, but also because I was burning fat and getting rid of water, apparently. Only one set of leg cramps, but the right shin cramp was a doozy - very hard to get those worked out. Anyway, the end result is that I'm back to 150.2 again, and in deciding that's what I weighed this morning, the scale spent a lot of time looking at numbers in the 140s, so I think it's a way station (nearly wrote weigh-station) en route to a lower number. Fine, whatever. I just like that I can overcome my mistakes quickly - it was last Friday/Saturday that I ate so poorly and set up that 4-pound gain.
I did some very slow crunches and leg lifts last night, and some bicep curls with the 8-pound weights, and feel it a bit this morning. Also some squats, although those more for figuring out proper form than for actual weight work. I'm trying to do something once a week - and no more than that - and make whatever I do as intense as possible, since that seems to be the body recomposition wisdom out there. Not looking to bulk up, but I want more muscle in the overall mix and I want to be stronger, so I'm hoping that I'm doing the right things for those goals.
Quiches for breakfast today - they are really working out well, and are very good even after re-nuking. A keeper, I think.
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