Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday addendum

I found the big-ass salad.  $10 worth, but pretty darn tasty.  It's interesting - with the shift in eating from breakfast-dinner to lunch-dinner this week, I feel like I'm getting a more varied diet - it's a second opportunity for the veg and fruits, I guess.

The migraine was mostly just the aura, although a co-worker talking to me shortly after it faded thought I had a cold - that my voice sounded stuffy.  Interesting.  I'd love to know what on earth I've been doing to trigger migraines all of a sudden - except for the weird crap-binge I indulged in last week.  That certainly could be it.  But it's been over a week since then, which makes less sense; I would have thought it would have passed through my system by now.

Anyway, this lunch thing is a bit expensive, but if I get into the rhythm of it, I guess I could start bringing the same basic stuff from home - once we have a kitchen, that is.  


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