Monday, July 22, 2013


154.8 this morning.  Yes, really.  Yes, water.  My finger joints are so swollen that my typing is affected - not sure if it's for the better or worse.  I think it's all a hangover from Saturday, when I crawled around the kitchen painting the inside of cabinets.  On my knees, on my back, on my elbows - no, that's not where I got paint, but the positions I was in to get at some of the more remote bits.  This was just no fun.  And it took, including the cleaning I started with, pretty much 8 full hours to complete.  I would say that the only part of me that isn't stiff and sore is my scalp, except that's not true either - I think I bumped my head on something at some point, so I have a bruise there as well.

And that's just the first coat - we have to have a do-over to get a second coat done.  That may be tonight's job.  Blecch.

Anyway, I didn't eat all that well this weekend.  Mexican food, lots of chips and salsa and queso.  Potato chips, dried cherries, cashews, chocolate.  Very little meat-and-veg, honestly.  So, a reset this week.  I'm going to restart (have, actually) the Shangri-La thing, and see if it helps at all if I'm able to give it at least 4 straight days.  Also, trying to be a bit more diligent about getting in at least 2 meals most days - I think the no-breakfast, no-lunch pattern I'd fallen into lately is not doing me any favors at all - probably slowed my metabolism to a near-stop.  Add the stress of the remodel and everything else that's going on, and I'm kind of a mess right now.

Here's yesterday's eating, as I recall it:
  • tea with cream
  • cheese
  • cashews
  • potato chips
  • dried cherries
  • dark chocolate with almonds
  • chips and queso
  • grilled chicken breast
  • fruit salad (mostly berries, nectarines, grapes)
  • tomato/cucumbers in italian dressing
  • roasted potatoes
  • a lime-flavored "fruit bar" frozen thing - way too sweet, but tasty
  • a glass of wine
  • a finger of scotch
Lordy!  No wonder my weight went up.  I'm surprised it wasn't worse!

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