Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Yesterday, this is all I ate:
  • scrambled egg (about 1; I undercooked them and runny eggs nauseate me)
  • bacon
  • tea with cream
  • the usual supplements
  • cheese (total of 2 pieces, maybe 3 oz max)
  • a cup of hot and sour soup
  • mushu chicken with no pancakes - chicken, bok choi, bamboo shoots, onions in a light sauce
  • one fortune cookie
  • a handful of walnuts
It boils down to 84g fat (66%), 34.6g carbs (12%), 63.4g protein (22%), and 1115 calories.  Under no circumstances should that cause me to gain weight - at worst, I might have maintained. 

So, it stands to reason that I weighed in this morning at 154.6 freaking pounds.  It's water; the laws of physics demand that it be water, for starters.  Also, I had cankles at bedtime last night - bad ones, and no urge to pee it out between then and now.

I can only blame the menopause.  I have no other explanation.  I ache from head to toe, so much so that when the dog woke us up at 3 am to go outside (this was trip 2 of the night), I hurt too much to get back to sleep for a good hour and some.  I was asleep when the alarm went off, though, so I must have managed it somehow.

The cankles are reminiscent of our cruise the summer of '08 when I decided to use birth control to delay my period a week.  I had to get a lymphatic massage to get rid of them that time.  But hormonal in origin, which is why I suspect hormones are at the root of this.  I will continue to eat as healthy as I can and aim for ketosis as a means of coping.  And did I mention that we're spending the week lifting awkwardly-shaped heavy objects as part of helping Elizabeth move?  That has contributed to the achiness, for sure.

I did go back to the melatonin last night.  It helped me get back to sleep after the first dog interruption.  I hope she's not starting to develop an issue, because we need our sleep right now.

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