Friday, July 6, 2012


Very successful fast yesterday.  I ate nothing (save heavy cream) from rising until well after 5 pm.  Several cups of hot tea, but no food, no calories.  So this morning?  150.0.  Gee, thanks.  Got Hormones?  Apparently I do.

There are claims that fasting in women is a cortisol-provoking practice, and the cortisol leads to weight gains.  I don't find it even remotely stressful, so n=1 says that's not likely for me.  Some of the weight is water - I can feel it, and my feet are quite swollen in the afternoons just now.  Some of it is fat - I have become more sedentary since February, now that I'm not walking from the car to the office, and I think that's allowed my metabolism to slow down.  Not good, and I'm working on remedying that - as of yesterday, my building no longer has elevators.

Here's yesterday's eating:
  • tea with cream
  • the usual supplements
  • 1 piece of cheese
  • steak and wedge salad at Lone Star, with blue cheese dressing, bacon, and blue cheese
  • a few green beans
  • iced tea
And after that, I stopped.  Got home, thought about having something else, but I didn't really want it, so I refrained.  The fast itself was remarkably easy to sustain - don't know if I was tired or what, and it was a busy day, so I didn't have hours to sit at my desk and think about food (unfortunately, today is one of those days), but while I was mildly hungry around lunchtime, I was easily able to do absolutely nothing about it.  I am going to try that same practice again today, although I did have breakfast today.

Lee's gone next week, so my mornings will become much busier, and I anticipate no more than tea with cream and the usual supplements most days.  Maybe some cheese in the mornings - I've done that one before.  So it could be a lot of 16-hour/8-hour fast-feeding stuff.  We shall see.

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