Friday, July 27, 2012


The fasting was successful - I went yesterday with no more nutrition than what is included in the heavy cream I added to two cups of tea.  Spent the evening painting - finished the ceiling and got a reasonable coat of primer on the walls.  Went to bed un-hungry and woke up in the same state.  I think I begin to understand how one might live for a year off a sufficient quantity of body fat.  All told, the fast ran for about 34 hours, I think.  I had breakfast this morning - the usual.

All that said, I am still stiff and swollen, and feeling quite tired, despite another night of solid sleep.  I even tried taking a pretty cold shower this morning - the whole shower, not just a burst at the end - to see if perhaps I could get some of the inflammation to subside.  It hasn't yet.

So, I'm at 152.4 this morning; will it stick?  I tend to doubt it, but will do my best to stay busy and away from the snack foods this weekend.  Not like there isn't plenty to do - finish painting, move furniture, and on and on.  It should be a busy weekend.  Probably lots of slow movement and lifting heavy things.

Oh, and here's yesterday's eating:
  • tea with cream
  • the usual supplements
Just thought I'd throw that in there.

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