Tuesday, March 22, 2011


There are some things that Paleo does not help with - at least, it's not helping me.  I had plain, unfiltered busy-brain insomnia last night, and no amount of audio input would lull me to sleep.  Add on top of that my hot flashes - but I must say they were a bit subdued last night - why not?  I didn't need them to keep me up.  And we had a windstorm, causing some plexiglas windows on our screened porch (next to where we're sleeping just now) to flex and bang around - no amount of fasteners will keep them firmly attached in wind, unfortunately.  Oh, and the dog started being sick at 2:30 am.  Paleo does not help with any of that, I'm afraid.

We had eggs and sausage patties for breakfast yesterday - real pork sausage, too, not the turkey stuff.  No lunch or snacks, and then went out to dinner.  Lee had a "turkey dinner" - sliced turkey, potatoes, stuffing, veg, gravy - and I had beef bourgignon with mashed potatoes.  It all contained flour, I'm absolutely sure, and probably seed oils.  Could they have contributed to my wakefulness?  I haven't read that they're a problem, but who knows?  We both had stomach aches this morning, so have skipped breakfast to let things simmer down a bit.

Weight was 142.0 this morning.  Fine, whatever.  I need my sleep!!!

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