Tuesday, March 8, 2011


In this morning's Wall Street Journal, there is a story extolling the virtues of the Mediterranean Diet - again.  Stressing the virtues of lots of fruit, vegetables, and whole grains - again.  Okay, yeah, it's healthier than the SAD, if for no other reason than that it probably doesn't include Captain Crunch or Spaghettios, but outside the paleo world, it's very interesting to me that fruit and whole grains being good for you is a "given" - nobody looks any deeper to see if it's actually true, or under what circumstances. 

I still say that human metabolism is designed to fatten up for winter.  If we were to eat seasonally, we'd be adding fruit into the diet in late summer, along with whatever meat we could catch and kill.  But not any other time of the year, so the fructose would metabolize into triglycerides and get stored as the sweet taste spurred insulin production.  Seems pretty straightforward to me.  So my plan is to eat fruit mostly in the summer, when it's naturally ripe and available locally.

We had family over for dinner last night and ate BBQ from the local joint - meat, cole slaw, and beans (I didn't have any beans).  A glass of wine, a bit of cheese, and some cashews over the course of the evening.  142.4 this morning.  I gave Mom and Jen some coconut water to sample, since Mom said she or Dad had been having leg cramps recently.  They thought it was palatable.

With the glass of wine, my night was somewhat worse than previous, but not obviously tied to the alcohol consumption; we'd shut a window and the room was significantly warmer.  I'm going for acupuncture tonight - it's supposed to help with this quite a bit (either needles or Chinese herbs, or both).

Lee's on the road today and will be gone for about a week, so I have to feed myself.  Unfortunately, I have defrosted brats in the fridge, and I don't think I actually want any.  Not sure what I'll do.

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