Monday, March 21, 2011


One week into Daylight Saving Time, and just as we might have been sorta-kinda getting used to it, we have to empty out our bedroom and master bath for a remodel, resulting in a temporary relocation of our bedroom to the dining room.  Which is hotter than our bedroom.  Not a good thing for me right now, so I got some sleep - not sure how much since I have the clock covered right now (that does seem to help) - but not a lot, I think.  There is a radio commercial running right now, for some patent menopause symptom medicine, and they ask a series of questions about symptoms.  I can answer "yes" to all of them except the one about weight gain (thank you Paleo eating!!!).  Coincidentally, there was an article in this morning's paper about acupuncture for menopause that said a placebo controlled study indicated that it helped.  I'm glad to know that, but if it's helping me, I'd hate to think what the past few weeks might have been like.

We ate pretty well this weekend, but it was stressy - in addition to moving all of our stuff around, we did our taxes, prompting a lot of "nautical language" on my part.  We're nearly done - one more in-kind donation to DAV to put in before we declare defeat, I think.  But I digress...  Lots of bacon - both days' breakfasts consisted of only bacon for me - Lee had tomatoes and maybe yogurt with his.  Grassfed burger patties and hotdogs (the latter were Hebrew National, but not grassfed) for Saturay lunch, with, I'm sorry to confess, a few potato chips.  Sunday lunch was BBQ - both of us had fries (and they tasted damn good!), and dinners were Chinese (hot & sour soup, Mongolian beef, a little rice) on Saturday, and giant ribeyes (about 1 lb each) and a salad on Sunday.  I'm up to 143.2 this morning, probably from the miscellaneous starch consumption.

I really need to look into ways and means to get back to deep sleep during second sleep - I certainly was asleep at times this morning (I'm guessing I woke around 2 am), but in fits and starts, lots of trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in, and lots of covers-adjusting.  Ugh.  There has to be a way to get through this - and really, is it normal?  Haven't found a lot of information yet, but I'm still looking.

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