Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Bad eating day yesterday - for part of it at least.  I got hungry around 2:00 and broke down and got some trail mix, which is fairly carb-laden.  Worse, the machine is set up to dispense again if the first bag does not fall, and it didn't, so I ended up with 2 bags of it - and ate them both.  Dinner was okay - sirloin patty with melted cheese and guacamole on it, and a bit of chocolate and some chocolate almonds after.  I think that was it after breakfast.

No change in my weight from that, fortunately - still at 145.2 this morning.  Although I had a gollywhomping leg cramp at about 3 am - launched me out of bed with force, it did.  Once I stomped it back down (and yes, it was my left leg, of course), I went back to sleep and it didn't happen again.  Once was enough, though. 

Lee thinks he's on the brink of being below 200 - I am crossing my fingers that it happens this time.  He's also started reading Taubes' book, which is encouraging. 

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