On the brink of a three-day weekend here - it's always nice to look forward to a long stretch of puttering time. I think I'll cook to freeze, a bit. I realized yesterday, in re-reading the recipe, that Cooks Illustrated's recipe for "quick" beef-vegetable soup is basically low-carb, verging on paleo. It has carrots in it, along with mushrooms and onions, and I think not a lot else (well, beef, obviously). It's also beyond delicious, and I think it would freeze pretty well - and I'm coming home very uninspired to cook these on-my-own days. I may go to the odd bookstore this weekend after some low-carb cookbooks - see what's out there - and I'm looking forward to the release of the Everyday Paleo cookbook, even though she appears to be higher-carb than I tend to eat.
Yesterday was a prime example of the dangers of "uninspired to cook". I went out to a Mexican restaurant that Lee doesn't like, but that I believe I've been patronizing (via other branches) since I was in my mid-20s. Had a 3-stack flat cheese enchilada with green chile - so far, so good, and their green chile appears not to be overburdened with flour; the broth is very translucent. But I ate a LOT of chips with salsa (and with the leftover green chile and a bit of refried beans...). So I think that was a pretty carb-loaded meal. It was quite tasty, though. And on coming home, I didn't eat anything else until bedtime.
Of course, the carbs at dinner had no impact on my lingering side-effect - leg cramps. In last night's case, foot cramps. Some of the symptoms were more like my old-style cramps in my feet, with toes randomly shooting off at weird angles and things, so I'm not entirely sure they were related to my potassium levels. Nonetheless, I limped into the kitchen (these hurt a lot!) and had some coconut water, and while it didn't sort the issue instantly, they went away pretty quickly and didn't come back. I really like that stuff!
At the end of all that fun, I got up this morning and weighed 144.4. I expect it will be more tomorrow, despite a convenience IF day today (didn't feel like getting up early enough to eat).
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