Thursday, January 20, 2011


The curse of the 4-day workweek - Tuesday feels like Monday, Wednesday feels like Tuesday, but Thursday feels like it ought to be Friday already, darn it.  And it does. 

I ate lunch yesterday - out with a friend, and had a salad featuring turkey and sliced brie, with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  It was good.  Got home later than planned last night, thanks to a rush-hour-only snowstorm (nearly 2 hours for a 20-minute drive), and wasn't in the mood to cook anything, especially anything involving standing outside, as marinated flank steak would have needed.  So I ate cheese - 4 slices of cheddar, 3 chunks of gruyere - and walnuts, and non-dark chocolate.  Too much, I think, especially the junk chocolate.  So I had mild indigestion all night and didn't sleep well - and was up to 143.8 this morning.  I'm doing a fast today to get the mild indigestion to go away, and will try the flank steak again tonight.

I sent a link to Taubes' blog to my friend Beth after our lunch - I hope she'll get into reading him as I think his information would help her, but she has so many health issues, I can't help wondering if it's too late for nutrition to do much good.  I guess it can't hurt, though.  I also heard something on the drive in that was interesting - there has been a sharp increase in SSI enrollments for kids with ADHD in recent years.  I wonder if anyone has correlated that with the existence of the Food Pyramid - can't help thinking there might be a connection.  Oh, and also heard that Wal-Mart is going to be buying packaged food with less fat and sugar in it, in some weird cooperative effort with the First Lady.  Less sugar - okay, that's good.  Less fat - probably not so good, except the fat in "packaged food" products is invariably Franken-fat of some sort, made from grains and seeds.  Seems like we'd all do better for ourselves just to avoid packaged food products entirely.  And except for basic canned goods, I think our diet has pretty much made that shift almost automatically over the course of this year.  Interesting that I didn't really notice.

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