I ate well yesterday. Bacon for breakfast - 4 slices, cooked slow for maximum crispiness. Nothing until dinner, which consisted of about 1/5 pound's worth of mini meatloaves (2 of them, of a total of 11 made from 1 pound of ground bison), and a baked sweet potato with butter on it. Followed up by a rather large bowl of frozen strawberries, slightly thawed, with heavy cream - that is one wonderful snack, and because they were only partly thawed, it took me the better part of an hour to finish it. At the end, the mixture of cream and strawberry juice was better than the best strawberry ice cream. And I would like to say I didn't have any cheese or chocolate, but that wouldn't be true - I had 2 slices of cheddar right before bedtime. And a couple of cups of tea-and-cream. Thoroughly satisfying day's eating. And I lost a pound - I'm down to 143 even today.
Today started with the same breakfast - I can probably eat bacon that way indefinitely. I think I'm having flank steak, quick-marinated in something, with guacamole on it, for dinner; the steak is left over from making the soup over the weekend. I have a vacuum powered marinating thing, and since I didn't put anything on the steak this morning, I'll be trying that out this evening.
It's probably bad juju to state this in writing, but I think I'm finally getting adapted enough that the potassium balance is stabilizing. At least, I'm cramping up far less on days when I've either fasted or gone nearly all-meat. I bought a couple of containers of coconut water over the weekend, to have around when needed, but I'm crossing my fingers that the need will continue to be much less.
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