Monday, November 26, 2012


I suppose that a Thanksgiving weekend where one comes out only 0.4 pounds heavier than one went in should be termed a success, but I'm still bummed.  The water, it will not leave!  150.4 this morning.  I saw 149.2 one of the mornings over the weekend, but don't recall which.  I know it's hormones, but it's annoying, and rather painful, and I want it to stop.

We did the Turkey Trot on Thursday - 4 miles in just over an hour - 1:07:55, I think.  Not bad, given that we all walked together and had the dog with us - and he was very well behaved, considering it was his first walk and first (with us, anyway) experience with large crowds.  Biz was a bit lingeringly stiff, but that might have been illness - she's been fighting a cold or something for about 3 weeks, and four days' rest gave the virus a chance to win, it appears.  Lee and I were very mildly sore on Friday, and pretty much had it all gone by Saturday.

Yesterday's eating was all over the board.  Here's a list:
  • scrambled eggs
  • bacon
  • link sausage
  • tea with cream
  • cheese
  • turkey leftovers
  • Junior Mints (oops)
  • steak
  • brussels sprouts with bacon and pecans
  • red wine
  • raspberry ice cream
  • a handful of cashews
I'm fairly sure that's all of it.  Fasting today - I need to get back into ketosis, and stick with it for the rest of the year.  I have let out my ballgown in the hips, which was fairly easy - doing the same with the waist would be much more difficult, so I would prefer not to have to do that.  So today's fast is very intentional and serious, and no matter how hungry I get (stomach growling at the moment, for that matter), I'm sticking with it until dinner, which can be meat-and-veg but nothing else.  The plan is to be very low to zero carb the rest of the week.

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