Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I fasted yesterday until about 1:30, I think - so, assuming my carb binge on Sunday ended around 6-ish, I guess that makes for a 19-20 hour fast, roughly.  Broke it with a bag of beef jerky, then had another later in the afternoon.  Not much to them - 90 calories, 8g carbs, advertised as "low fat".  Dinner at Country Buffet, which is always a minefield, and stayed true to that last night.  147.0 this morning, so maybe it wasn't water.

Here's the breakdown:
  • tea with cream
  • the usual (Monday) supplements
  • beef jerky (2 snack-sized bags)
  • caesar salad, no croutons
  • mixed greens with mushrooms
  • "blue cheese" dressing
  • cottage cheese (nasty, too - no tang to it)
  • meat loaf
  • green beans
  • 3 pieces of fudge
Came home and worked on taxes and trying to fix the printer for Lee's laptop.  Before we knew it, it was bedtime.  And I slept miserably.  Hot flashes - or maybe warm flashes.  These aren't as intense as the ones a year ago, but I have no other explanation for what's happening.  I sleep on my right side and am fine, until I need to change positions.  Roll over onto the left side and I get maybe 2 minutes before the sweating starts and I have to get out from under the covers.  Once I've cooled off, I'm freezing, and can throw the covers back on and sleep on that side for a while - until I need to change positions again (unfortunately, this occurs rather frequently), and the whole thing starts over.  Very few issues during the day - maybe one episode while driving to work - but the lack of sleep is painful.  And on top of that, my right shoulder is starting to hurt again.  The massage lasted about a week.

Got my race package for the Bolder Boulder last night and am in a minor quandary.  It includes a chip to be attached to my shoes.  My don't-lace-up Vibrams; the chip has 4 holes in it and came with a nasty looking plastic jimmie to sew through them and attach it to shoelaces - at least, that's the impression I had.  I'm wearing the Vibrams - my traditional walking shoes make my knees hurt - and at the moment, I think I'm wearing one tennis wristlet on my ankle, with the chip sewn onto that (with satin ribbon or something - definitely not the plastic jimmie, which mimics a ball-chain in shape and would hurt like hell if it rubbed against skin for 6 miles).  If another solution emerges, I'm certainly open to it.  In the meantime, I'm in the market for a tennis wristband thingie.

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