Thursday, September 29, 2011


If this week goes by much slower, it will be in reverse.  I cannot recall the last time we had one that took this long to get to the end!  It doesn't help that the mornings are dark and populated for the past two weeks by a charity fund drive on the radio in the slot normally occupied by an interesting current events talk show; 10 minutes a day begging us to support homeless kids' needs for backpacks or some such thing.  We donate elsewhere, thank you so much, now please shut up and return to our regular programming.  Makes it hard to get going.

146.6 again this morning.  No surprise, considering I seem to be fighting carb cravings at the moment - that, and I'm in a bad mood.  I thought I was done with that sort of thing, dammit; why else did I bother turning 50?  Here's what I can recall of yesterday's eating:
  • scrambled eggs
  • bacon
  • the usual supplements - double fish oil
  • tea with cream
  • cheese snacks
  • M&Ms
  • hazel nuts
  • giant salad with turkey and blue cheese dressing
  • walnuts
  • chocolate cherry (only one, I think)
  • chocolate mint godiva thing
  • cashews out the wazoo
  • sauerkraut
Yikes!  This morning, I'm fasting, because we didn't have any bacon defrosted and it was just easier.  I've had my tea and cream, and my usual supplements.  The double fish-oil did seem to work, finally; I'm not as achy as I was yesterday - even including the flu shot, which made my left arm very annoyed.  Another night spent sleeping solidly - woke up for the first time around 4:30, which really isn't all that bad, given that we generally are out cold well before 10 pm.  And I drift in and out for that last hour or so.

I have cheese snacks with me, but I've put them away so I can't see them.  If I can fast all day, I'll eat them on the way home, as a prelude to dinner, which will probably be out somewhere.  I'm looking forward to the weekend - I need some time to get things organized again, and a road trip, however enjoyable, really interferes with the mechanics of life.

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