Thursday, September 22, 2011


I have been really cold this week, and a little of last week, having to drink tea and sit on my hands to get warm enough to function at times.  This, while wearing wool, too.  My illogical conclusion as to the cause is that I wasn't getting enough fat in the diet, and that I needed the cream in my tea.  Yeah, maybe.  I added it this morning, and Lee added sausage to our eggs-and-bacon to see if that would help.  And maybe it will.

142.6, I think, this morning, so no big change from yesterday.  Here's what I ate:
  • scrambled eggs
  • bacon
  • tea without cream
  • the usual supplements
  • potato chips (salty-taste craving and the thought that a few carbs might start the heater.  they didn't)
  • hazel nuts
  • QDoba naked burrito with very light rice, no beans, double shredded beef, guacamole, green salsa, cheese, and sour cream
  • iced tea
  • cheese snack
  • small portion of cashews
So, overall, not a fabulous day, but not wholly bad.  In addition to the cream at breakfast today, I brought cheese with me, in case the salt urge hits again.

I'm continuing to listen to the Robb Wolf podcast with Dr. Kurt Harris (it's a marathon - over 90 minutes).  Really a classic, I think - they cover a lot of ground, very sensibly, and arrive at a reasonable conclusion out of all of the churn in the Paleo world right now - there are probably more whole foods that "do no harm" than were originally thought, and humans have a lot of options for what they can eat to be healthy and fit.  They also are making a strong case for the food reward argument as a weight loss tool - I haven't heard the absolute end of the podcast, so I don't have the whole thing yet, but what they're saying really makes sense to me.

That, and over the course of what I've heard so far, I think they've just opened up the option to have twice-baked potatoes in the near future.  Yeah - I love those!

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