Friday, July 29, 2011


The main point of Mark's Daily Apple yesterday was that one should ease in to barefoot walking.  I agreed yesterday, and today, after not having done that very well, I agree even more.  I went for a walk at lunch yesterday - my Google maps measured mile route - in my moccasins.  Walked back to the car in them, I think (I might not have - I truly do not recall).  Then, after dinner, walked around the local outlet mall with my daughter - apparently that's another 7/8 of a mile.  But in crocs, not the moccasins.  Walking in crocs is like walking around with memory foam mattresses on your feet that you have to hang onto with your toes.  My calves both cramped up badly as I was getting in the car - took a while before I could coax my heels down to ground level again.

So what did we do after that?  Drank a carton of coconut water, first, then went to the new Denver County Fair and walked around.  This time, I wore the moccasins again - I knew the crocs would be a bad idea.  But the parking lots were lumpy gravel - ouch!  And my left leg (of course) got crabby on me and cramped up for a while.  While I was awake, which is a huge improvement over it's normal behavior.

Legs are a bit tired this morning - and my feet ache.  I think it's from muscle use - and if it is, an ache just behind the ball of my foot is pure perfection - I want those strengthened arches!

Yesterday's eating went like this:
  • scrambled eggs
  • turkey bacon
  • tea with cream
  • the usual vitamins (see yesterday)
  • stacked cheese enchiladas with pork green chile (flour and 3 corn tortillas certainly involved as well as mystery cooking oil)
  • chips and salsa (I think they're corn chips, but the texture is very different from most, so other things could be in there)
  • iced tea
  • chocolate covered strawberry
  • chocolate covered blueberries
I think that's it.  Sleep overnight was pretty good, but I woke abruptly at 4:30 after a vivid and rather disturbing dream, so I probably only got about 7 hours max.  142.0 this morning, so the carbs this week have not been particularly problematic.  That's good to know.  I think excessive sugar is a problem for me, weight-wise, but starchy stuff is less of an issue.  Since there are folks out there reporting that once you go low-carb, you can never go back without becoming somewhat spherical, I have been trying to keep the non-meat/fat items in my diet without tipping the scales much.  And it seems to be working.  Mostly, anyway.

Weekend on the horizon - with two movies, I think - we promised to see Captain America again, and want to see Cowboys and Aliens.  Possibly also a lacrosse game and who knows what else.  Should be fun!

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