Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday after Easter

I was right - we ate out a lot over the weekend.  The results aren't at all surprising, especially with how stiff I feel today - 144.8. 

Easter dinner came out pretty well, but I don't seem to have the knack to get a large-scale (14 people and a baby) dinner on the table smoothly.  Guess it's a good thing I didn't ever open a restaurant!  I spent nearly the whole weekend cooking - and ended up with too much food, which is nearly always the case for me.  I have heard that we have most of both desserts in the fridge outside, and there's a lot of meat left as well - we should have sliced up the portions a lot thicker, like Prime Rib should be served.  Anyway, it's over with. 

Biz had a violent attack of vertigo last night - on the heels of a week feeling completely normal, which totally sucked.  It was so bad that she couldn't bring herself to fly, so she and Lee are on the road this morning.  The spins have stopped, thank God, but she's a bit tilty and tired.  Said she felt "off" during the day a bit - man, that sounds like a migraine, even to triggers like being surrounded by extended family and maybe more flour than she's been eating in a while.  I, for one, am very grateful that Lee's job lets him do road trips occasionally - I was prepared to fly out with her and back this morning early if need be, but she didn't think she could even sit still in order for the plane to take off, so we bagged that.  I'm glad we got the bedroom basically reassembled before the crowds hit - there's a bit of touch-up painting and some miscellaneous hardware/picture installation still to do, but everything else is done.

Time to get things back to a routine.

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