Friday, March 22, 2013


Yesterday didn't quite go as planned - not as bad as I suppose it could have been, but not as planned.  And I'm still 153.2 this morning - some of which, based on my ankles, is water.  Based on how I've been eating, though, not all of it.  

Here's yesterday:
  • tea with cream
  • the usual supplements
  • dilly beans - around 20 of them, I'd guess
  • macadamia nuts - I ended up eating all 14 that I brought with me
  • a cup of beef bouillon
  • chicken breast - probably about 6 oz
  • three pieces of longhorn cheese
  • 6 malted milk eggs - the last of them
That was it, although I had a cup of tea with cream at the end of the day as well as at the beginning.  73g fat, 71g protein, 46g carbs (58%, 25%, 16%).  Note that we are now officially finished with the malted milk eggs.  I should never have bought them.  Today we weren't hungry, so I've not had breakfast.  I have another bag of macadamias and a bag of strawberries with me - the latter because if I don't eat them, they'll spoil.  Dinner will be baked fish; it is Friday, after all.

I'm also working on sleep - tried to get some unfiltered sunlight yesterday morning, but there were clouds, so I got it on the drive home, sort of - until it went behind the clouds again.  This morning, I doubled up on my vitamin D, to see if that helps.  No sunlight today, either, except right at sunrise - it's supposed to snow starting some time today and all of tomorrow.  Blecch.  In any event, I stayed asleep until around 4 am, and woke only briefly then, so progress.

And, I had no hot flashes yesterday or last night, so I skipped the hot flash pills again this morning.  Hoping we're through with that bout and for a good long while.

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