I think when I started this whole thing it was definitely aimed at low-carb and achieving Ketosis. So it makes sense that I should stick with what works and go there again. A few things I recall:
- I tried very hard to eliminate sugar. Not always successful, but key. That said, I did indulge in dark chocolate.
- I used Kurt Harris' 12 steps and got pretty far down them.
- I did more tea-with cream, I think. Also butter on things like meat.
- Less stressful, I eliminated grains.
- I had things like turkey sausage in lieu of eggs at breakfast
- Possibly less bacon on "just me" days - actually in reviewing the 50-pound loss, I ate mostly turkey bacon. weird.
After reading through the entire blog from Mayish through February, I would tend to say that I cooked at home a lot, worked pretty hard to avoid Mexican, and really shied away from true dessert foods a lot harder than I have of late. It doesn't appear that I ate as high-fat as I thought I had, but was more careful to avoid carbs in general at restaurants and on travel, etc. More IFing than I recalled, too. And I was better at portion control on cheats, like the 1-a-day Christmas cookies.
So, going forward:
- Stop with the sugar already - especially for the remainder of this and next week.
- Eat more at dinner and aim to be satisfied before calling dinner done. Fewer and better snacks (e.g., olives, macadamias, veg-and-dip, etc)
- Keep the starchy carbs to maybe one or two days per week, max.
- One of those instances can be an apple, but not both; go for berries over other fruit again.
- Start picking up the free weights around the house and carefully begin with arm work. Do NOT re-mess-up the shoulder.
- Find some way to work up into squats - maybe just lie on the floor and lift my feet up from a squatty position to start with. Something.
- Cut out french fries and potato chips and home fries altogether for the immediate future. Potato salad can be one of the starchy carbs. Probably rice is the other - in stuffed peppers, for example. But not a lot at any given time.
- Get back into true IFing. Dinner to dinner, probably the best pattern for me.
- But eat the gram of salt - get back to having bouillon or something, either at work or at home. See if I can keep the leg cramps at bay.
- Revisit some of the food I ate regularly back then - flank steak (haven't had one in a while), burgers with cheese and guac and bacon, frozen or sliced strawberries with cream on top, occasional cottage cheese, Lindt 85% dark chocolate (after Easter, anyway).
- Keep the walnuts and cashews portion-controlled - in a container. And not every night.
- Eat the pickled things that are in the cupboard - the okra, my homemade pickles (fermented), olives, etc. I just finished the dilly beans we bought at the Olive place in Phoenix, and wish I had more.
- Cheese in small portions - one piece at a time.
This seems doable - and I'm feeling some excitement about it. Starting today, since I skipped breakfast and have had about 4 macadamias and the dilly beans to eat so far today. Planning roast chicken and salad for dinner. With sliced strawberries and cream for dessert. And no snacks.
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