Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I do hate being tired, and I was hatefully tired yesterday, toward the end of the workday just clinging on by the fingernails, wishing it would end.  Lee went to the gym last night before dinner; we were both supposed to be going, but I just couldn't.  I stayed home, had some cheese and cashews, and got dinner ready.  Here's yesterday's eating:
  • scrambled eggs
  • pork sausage
  • tea with cream
  • the usual Monday supplements
  • cheese snacks
  • two pecan-apricot bars (found a recipe via Robb Wolf's blog, I think)
  • more cheese
  • pecans, eaten mindlessly
  • chocolate covered cherries (about 7 of them over the evening, I believe)
  • ribeye steak
  • salad with blue cheese dressing
  • Omaha steaks potatoes au gratin, which were very weird
  • iced tea
  • a whole boatload of shredded coconut
I think that was it.  145.2 again this morning.  I have two cheese snacks with me at work for snacking emergencies.  My sleep last night was better than the night before, but still not very good - and I dreamed at one point that I sat down and ate my way through about 2/3 of the bag of halloween candy we have in the pantry - stuff I haven't eaten in ages and am not that keen on.  I blame it on the Food Reward Hypothesis - I read a couple of blog articles discussing that yesterday, and while I get what they're saying and tend to agree that the mechanism exists (see me eating either chocolate cherries or cashews), I don't think they're explaining it very well at all; the comments are uniformly befuddled.  Anyway, I figure reading about the hypothesis triggered dreams featuring it, in some way.

I've spent the last two days sneezing.  No idea why.  I don't have a cold, although Sunday night I thought I felt something starting and took 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D to head it off, which worked.  I'm eating in such a way as to prevent or heal leaky gut syndrome, so it shouldn't be allergies, but it sure acts like hay fever - which I don't tend to get.  So I'm stumped.  With luck, it will go away soon.

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