Friday, October 14, 2011


I am not surprised.  I should have known better, to start with, but when I'm tired and hungry, some of my self-discipline goes down the tubes.

We had thawed some brats for dinner last night - in fact, part of the reason I was unable to get back to sleep at 3:30 yesterday morning had to do with making sure that they weren't on the counter, but had made it into the fridge.  But by the time I got home, I was sleepy, bored and frustrated with work, stiff and achy, and I wanted something that tasted good - not that brats don't, but they didn't taste like the taste I wanted.

Which was, as it turns out, a Smashburger.  And that's what we had for dinner.  By itself, would have been fine.  Accompanied by fries and a strawberry shake, not so good for me.  Tasted amazing.  And I'm back at 146.8 this morning.

Here's yesterday's eating in toto:
  • scrambled eggs
  • bacon
  • the usual supplements
  • tea with cream
  • trail mix (also a bad move, but coulda been worse)
  • cheese
  • smashburger with cheese, pickles, tomatoes, mustard and ketchup
  • fries with more ketchup
  • strawberry shake
At least I had the sense not to come home and eat more, I think.  As far as I can remember, we didn't eat after we got home last night.  I have a mild touch of indigestion this morning - not sure what from, though.

We'll probably have the brats tonight - at least, we probably should.  Then I have a fairly empty weekend, in which I need to do some cooking.  Lee's golfing both days, leaving large swaths of time free to be creative in.

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